The Wall Iso Glute March Drill
The Wall Iso Glute March is a great activation drill core stability and hip mobility.
The Wall Iso Glute March is a great activation drill core stability and hip mobility.
A recent research report in the Journal or Strength and Conditioning Research has shown that a combination of plyometric and speed training has been proven to improve jumping, sprinting, and agility performance. Here are the three rules we follow at Champion when implementing a proper plyometric and speed training program.
Early sports specialization is becoming more popular in young athletes. Athletes are focusing on one sport at a young age with the hope of increasing their chances of success in the sport. There are both benefits and concerns, although a strength training program that develops all aspects of athleticism can help avoid imbalances.
Youth athletes need to establish the basic building blocks of fundamental movement skills. This assures that they create an excellent foundation of athleticism to build upon as they mature. Youth athletes need to focus on what we call the “ABC’s” of performance training.